Shanghai-Grenoble Philosophy of Memory Workshop 2:
Memory and Cognition
Programme :
7 December 2024
09:30-09:45. Group photo session.
09:45-10:45. Full-spectrum generationism. Kourken Michaelian (Centre for Philosophy of Memory, Université Grenoble Alpes).
10:45-11:00. Coffee break.
11:00-12:00. Mnemic referential dependencies: Specificity and the role of traces in constructive episodic simulations. Kristina Liefke (Ruhr-Universität Bochum).
12:00-13:30. Lunch.
13:30-14:30. Memory, cognition, and ontology of memory. Qingfeng Yang (Fudan University).
14:30-15:30. Mental simulation and the imagistic harm of language. Michelle Liu (Monash University).
15:30-15:45. Coffee break.
15:45-16:45. Referential confabulation: A new problem for causalist theories of remembering. James Openshaw (Nanyang Technological University).
16:45-17:45. What is a memory trace if it is a disposition? Denis Perrin (Centre for Philosophy of Memory, Université Grenoble Alpes).
8 December 2024
09:30-10:30. Proper forgetting as a responsibilist virtue. Yuping Wang (University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences).
10:30-10:45. Coffee break.
10:45-11:45. Memory and imagination. Feng Yu (East China Normal University).
11:45-13:30. Lunch.
13:30-14:30. The epistemic norm of remembering. Changsheng Lai (Shanghai Jiao Tong University).
14:30-15:30. Memory indexing and the contentful trace. Nikola Andonovski (Centre for Philosophy of Memory, Université Grenoble Alpes).
15:30-15:45. Coffee break.
15:45-16:45. A philosophical study on the problem of memory traces. Jinpeng Feng (Yuncheng University).
16:45-17:45. Metacognition in aphantasia. Lu Teng (Australian National University).
17:45-18:00. Closing remarks.
Organizers: Changsheng Lai (Shanghai Jiao Tong University), Kourken Michaelian (CPM, Université Grenoble Alpes), Lu Teng (Australian National University), Qingfeng Yang (Fudan University), Feng Yu (East China Normal University).